
Blog 6

Hi everyone! First to all, I'm not used to talk in my ordenary life. I didn't see movies in english until i get internet in my house, at my teenage years. It wasn't important to me. When i came to the university, I was very scared. I've never put attention in english, but i've to now. On the hand ,my girlfriend doesn't have the same issue, she's always saying expressions, repeating scenes from movies or singing the lyrics, the real ones. She helped me a lot, even when I failed "English III" by unassistent. Now at days, I see English like some other important subject to pass. And my fear about english has slowly vanishing, thanks the classesI see that it is not so complicated, even I will say I like a little bit more. The blog system to learn english as I understand, si for asnwers simple question in determiend time and using the time grammar correctly. Where was my favorite hollyday, my photos?, etc. That makes me approaching to the language. Certa

A photograph I like

  Hi friends, Today I shows you a picture taken by me. It was in the summer of this year, in my garden. My younger sister and my cat Oliver appear in the  photo. My sister hates photos and always makes ugly faces when they take a photo of her. But that day was different. She asked me to record that moment because it was the day the new kitten arrivied at the house. My cat called Oliver from the anime Oliver Atom,  the footballer boy.  Oliver is very adorable, he likes to sleep with me and wake me up at 6 to play with him, Its a real baby. In the summer, we would go out with my kitten and my sister for a walk. I would put a little harness on it. The truth is that I never liked doing it because I suffered a lot when a dog appeared. I thought he could run away fron the scare and get lost. Luckily that never happened and now  continues to give us love. I hope you are well  c:


  Hi everyone!! When I was a child. I used to play being dentist, because I was very afraid of them. Years later    I didnt know what I want study , I liked plants and    nature    so    I chose agronomy, but after a few weeks I realized I didn't like it. At that same time I started to get interested in architecture, there were many things that caught my attention: First thing: you didn't have to draw beautiful. Second: architecture is art in permanent transformation    and finally: When you are an architect you can dedicate yourself to many things, you can do furniture, classes, social work.    it is very versatile and I love that. In the future, I would like to do classes and researchs.    Maybe I go    south, work in a rural municipality and doing social house projects. The truth is that I am not clear now,    but I would like to do something like that. UNTIL NEXT WEEK!


  Hello everyone, today I will talk about my favorite movie. Before commenting on what it is, I want to say that I love cinema, my favorite hobby is watching movies, of all styles, of all ages and of all countries. This is why it is very difficult for me to select only one that I like too much. But it's definitely Dogville from director Lars Von Trier. It is a movie from 2004. The first time I saw this movie was because I found it on an internet blog, like you   It really is a very sad and dramatic story of a woman. Nicole Kidman plays the main character, a girl just arrived in a town, where there are very murky people and stories. I love the recording set. It is a large room that simulates the entire city, the houses do not have real walls, they are only delimited with drawings of architectural plants on the ground. The entire city is drawn on the ground. It is like watching a play. Obviously it has a very sad ending and the protagonist is not doing very well. I recommend you see
Hi everyone. Today I will tell you about my favorite holidays. In the summer of this year, together with my friends from university, we went to visit a friend from the south. He lives in Linares, specifically in Monteoscuro, a place located in the mountains. The trip was fantastic, we ate delicious food and had a good time. We visit several nearby places: trails, waterfalls and rivers. The water was very freezing but that didn't stop us from having fun. My friends were very happy and they tried sweets of all colors to feel happier. We visited a waterfall called the veil of the lioness and it was spectacular scenery. We stayed all morning watching it on the edge of a giant rock hundreds and thousands of years old. The stars were another element of the beautiful natural landscape, I had never seen so many shooting stars, I felt happy and excited. We were a full week. When we left we passed through Linares and we had a moteconhuesillo to regain all energy and return to Santiago. I hop
 Hi everyone. Today I will tell you about my favorite place. From a very young age I have loved nature, trees, rivers, the sea. But until a couple of years ago I did not know the Atacama desert. On my vacation in 2016, together with my best friend, we traveled through the north of Chile by car, buses and trucks. We knew everything. I fall in love with the vastness of the desert. The colors of the sunset were magical, reddish, purple and yellow. The sand was soft and rose with the force of the wind. Desert cities are separated by great distances, hundreds of kilometers. Among those cities there is only sand, plains and arid vegetation that grows despite the harsh climatic conditions. I will definitely return, and maybe in the future I will live in those areas of Chile. I hope that one day you visit or pass through the Chilean desert, meanwhile you have a very good life. See you soon BYE